Lecture – Russell Shakespeare – Documentary Portrait (Zoom – from Brisbane) @ Castle Hill RSL
Jul 2 @ 7:30 pm – 9:30 pm

Russell is a Photographer working in digital and analogue, based on the Gold Coast – and has photographed
well-known Australians from a wide range of fields, including writers (Tim Winton), sportsmen (Steve
Waugh); politicians (Gough Whitlam).  His work has been published in many national magazines and
newspapers,  Awards include The Moran Contemporary Photographic prize, Black and White Photographer
of the Year, National Photographic portrait prize, Olive Cotton Exhibition and Walkley Award for Journalism
(best news photograph).
Russell’s works are in collections at The Queensland Art Gallery, Tweed River Art Gallery, Redcliffe Art
Gallery, and The National Portrait Gallery. Russell is an Ambassador for Leica Camera Australia. Russell
will be taking members on a journey telling the story of his Documentary portraiture work.

Portrait SIG @ Castle Hill RSL
Jul 16 @ 7:00 pm – 10:00 pm

At the last SIG meeting, Jon introduced the process for seeking models. The plan is for two models, one for dance and the other a dark-skinned woman in colorful dress.

Look at the Portrait SIG for updates.

AGM and CHRSLPC 30th Anniversary AV and Cocktail Party @ Castle Hill RSL Club
Aug 6 @ 7:30 pm – 9:30 pm
Lecture – Michelle Kennedy – Explaining the New Interclub Definitions (Zoom in the Club) @ Castle Hill RSL
Sep 3 @ 7:30 pm – 9:30 pm

Due to a communication fail during the handover, the presenter, Graeme Gordon booked a holiday.

Michelle Kennedy will explain the new Interclub category definitions. For those who have looked at the wording of the definitions, you will be surprised to learn that the interpretation of those new categories is much broader than the words suggest. Many of our images would fall into one or even more of the categories. The interpretation is much more liberal than you may think.

As members are needed to submit images to the Competition Committee, this presentation is very timely and helpful. So, please attend.

The definitions can be found here

If time permits, then Michelle can talk about other of her presentations from the bag of excellent talks that she gives.

A night not to be missed!!!

Lecture – Neville Thorogood – Fine Art Images and Printing (Zoom) @ Castle Hill RSL
Oct 1 @ 7:30 pm – 9:30 pm

Graham Cam, the original presenter, is running the Birdlife Australia Photography Competition and is also preparing for an exhibition, and so he felt that he would not be at his best for the presentation.

As Fina Art Printing is a new category in the FCC Interclub, it is fortunate that Neville Thorogood is able to give a presentation on fine art.

Neville will cover his journey in photography and why he moved towards fine art and fine art printing.

Neville is a former member of CHRSLPC and is currently a member of the Wangi Workers Camera Club and also The Entrance CC. It is in these clubs that Neville has been ‘pushing the envelope’ with his remarkable images.

This is a timely presentation given the new FCC Interclub categories.

Lecture – Pete Farrington – Aviation (Zoom – from the UK) @ Castle Hill RSL
Nov 5 @ 7:30 pm – 9:30 pm

Tuesday 5 November – Pete Farrington – Aviation (Zoom – from the UK) – fee to confirm (May be a donation
to charity)

Peter is an author and photographer specialising in military aviation photography.  Within recent months, Peter has retired from the RAF and pursues his passion in photography.  Over the years of being a member of the Royal Air Force, Peter was lucky to be in the position to capture many fantastic aircraft up close and personal – from the ground, and from the air.
Peter uses photography to keep the stories of those who serviced and flew aircraft, alive.  He is a fantastic story teller, and will use his great images, to take members on a journey into the skies, and the past.